Through our partnership with one of the leading international offshore companies operating all over the world, We are able to supply and deliver a comprehensive range of fuel oil and other auxiliary services to fishing vessels, commercial vessels, offshore vessels and oil riggers to the tune of ANY volume over a limitless period.

This is made possible through offshore Barges and Tankers of varying capacities, with the requisite modern technology, equipment coupled with the speed and excellence desired by any client across the globe, setting the benchmark for procurement and excellent services.

We have successfully on several accounts delivered fuel to vessels and rigs by truck with our fleet of more than 40 tankers. We have  a reputation of maintaining a high standard of safety in all its operations.

With their fleet of more than 20 tankers and their worldwide network, our partners offer the best offshore bunkering in the world. Their keen interest in promoting a ‘Safety Culture’ makes them a trusted and reliable partner in the bunkering business.